Surveillance Capitalism is bad.
Sure, but Silibandia’s nosiness, their stealing and selling your personal information, is the least of Silibandia’s threats.
The surveillance capitalists’ feeders are more dangerous than surveillance capitalism
Silibandia’s feeders make Silibandia much more dangerous than that.
You may be asking, What on Earth is Silibandia?
Here are two definitions.
1. Silibandia1, n, The biggest nation on Earth1.
2. Silibandia, n, Silicon Valley plus the broadband and media industries plus their feeders in the dark web, bot farming, venture capital and private equity industries.
Here’s what makes Silibandia really dangerous: Silibandia’s bot farming feeders. They’re the ones who know that
Anyone who has ever succeeded in marketing knows that the surest way to get a reaction to a message is to touch an emotion in the audience member.
In the last couple of decades, social media has taught marketers that the most powerful emotion in gaining attention is anger. If you can get someone angry about something, and get them to go to a site or group where that anger is shared, you can get those people to buy anything – at hugely inflated prices. When they see your ad in the midst of their group, your brand becomes like a trusted insider.
How do you provoke that anger?
To start, click here to hear the experienced bot farmer Sutton Smith explain how the bot farming technique will get you to believe anything the bot farmer’s client wants you to believe.
If you’ve ever wondered how thousands of normal 21st century people have come to believe that the Earth is flat, well, now you know. The bot farmers have cleverly identified those most likely to buy their nonsense, assembled them into a community, and then managed to inflame the anger of the flat-Earthers toward all the “fake scientists” who have perpetrated the myth of a spheroid Earth.
And if you want to know where to sell your product at ridiculously inflated prices, look no further than a place where any group of impassioned true believers gather. For starters, try the flat-Earther meeting places.
Asking a social network to tone down the anger is like asking an oil company to sell less oil.
While the anger advertisers are beneficiaries, another big beneficiary of anger is the first part of Silibandia: Silicon Valley plus the broadband and media industries. Anger-driven cults are the source of lots of sessions, views and clicks.
So if you have ever wondered why the social networks seem to be reluctant to tone down the anger on their social networks, well, that’s like asking oil companies why they don’t try to sell less oil.
About the Author
In 1981 Wes Kussmaul, working with friends at the MIT Joint Computer Facility, created the world’s first online encyclopedia, implemented using what he calls “the world’s worst business model.” Over the the next year the addition of social features transformed the encyclopedia into the more sustainable Delphi social network, which in 1993 was sold to Rupert Murdoch’s News America Corp.
Wes is the author of four books about bringing accountability with privacy back to social networks. One of those books caught the attention of a group at the ITU, a United Nations agency, while it was building a global PKI-based source of trust that resembled what the book advocated. Wes announced its re-launch as The City of Osmio in a 2008 presentation to the United Nations World Summit on Information Society. Wes is also the creator of Stoanova, an approach to Stoicism as it applies to problem solving.
Wes is the founder of The Authenticity Institute, a provider of a PKI platform to licensed Authenticity Enterprises, which may be seen here. The outcome of the work of those Authenticity Enterprises may be seen at Authentiverse.
We have a nation and a consortium of nations each representing less than 5% of Earth’s population, each expecting the other 95% to observe its own respective internet regulations. That doesn’t happen of course, which provides lots of work for policy wonks around the world, who get paid well to fret about the consequence of the fact that the nation-state, the patch of ground defined by imaginary lines on a globe, is utterly obsolete. That folly creates a vacuum of governance which Silibandia is happy to fill with its brand of predatory governance.
Why aren’t we inhabitants of Earth asking each other who asked Silibandia to be our planet’s new government?