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“Just leave, unceremoniously, and fast.” and adds “But here is the key part: don’t pay. Stopping to pay in the presence of a person with a gun means risking your and your loved ones’ lives; money shouldn’t trump this. It doesn’t matter if you ate the meal.”

Paranoid, much? There's nothing in that statement about paying your tab; just leave without paying. And you think the manager is concerned about the guy with the gun, who PAID for his meal?

So, what lawyers will be talking to who, exactly? If the person is in the restaurant, legally carrying a gun, the manager would be discriminating if he kicked the customer out. Yeah, I see some lawyers showing up to discuss that. Do you remember the bad old days, when 'No Blacks Allowed' signs really existed? They were outlawed, because we all are opposed to pointless discrimination. Well, not ALL of us, apparently.

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