“If you’re seeing nonstop videos posted with a certain agenda, someone is paying for that!

So when you see a dump / a ton of media that’s telling you all the same message, do not say wow, what a thing happening right now. Please instead say wow, who’s trying to buy my opinion on this topic?”

Interesting. Now, think about the ton of media that keeps telling us Trump is a crook. That's right, a media dump. You have just amply demonstrated that the Trump persecution is not some legitimate exercise of authority by a neutral government. Only and idiot would believe that, right? So, Wes, who is trying to buy your opinion on this topic, and why are you falling for it?

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Anyway, I don't believe there's anything in there that defends any media. Where did that come from?

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"Said Burchett: “You know the old honeypot. The Russians do that and I’m sure Members of Congress have been caught up. Why in the world would good conservatives vote for crazy stuff like what we’ve been seeing? Here’s how it works. You’re visiting, you’re out of the country or out of town or you’re in a motel or at a bar in DC and, whatever you’re into – women, men, whatever – comes up and they’re very attractive and they’re laughing at your jokes, and you’re buying them a drink.” "

This is hyperbole, no mention of any actual fact or event. Burchett is working from the assumption that no conservative would oppose liberalism for any good reason, so he must be opposing them because Russians have the 'goods' on him.

Everything Burchett said can be equally applied to liberals, so why is he making it one-way?

Frankly, I have more respect for the intelligence and rationality of flat-earthers. At least they don't hurt anybody (that I know of).

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You didn't read tot the end, did you. Putin eggs on his troll farms on both sides. Both sides are cults. Plus the flat earthers - he created that cult just for fun.

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